Watersheds and Watershed Approach
We all live in a watershed — the area that drains to a common waterway, such as a stream, lake, estuary, wetland, aquifer, or even the ocean — and our individual actions can directly affect it. Working together using a watershed approach will help protect our nation's water resources.
Use this interactive map to locate your part of the White River.
The watershed approach is the most effective framework to address today's water resource challenges. Watersheds supply drinking water, provide recreation and respite, and sustain life. More than $450 billion in food and fiber, manufactured goods, and tourism depends on clean water and healthy watersheds.
The watershed approach is the most effective framework to address today's water resource challenges. Watersheds supply drinking water, provide recreation and respite, and sustain life. More than $450 billion in food and fiber, manufactured goods, and tourism depends on clean water and healthy watersheds.
Home to approximately 68,000 Arkansans (2000 Census), the Middle White watershed lies within the White River Basin in Northern Arkansas. The entire Upper White River Basin consists of nearly 7.5 million acres. Friend's focus is the White and North Fork Rivers, the Middle Section of the White, from below Bull Shoals and Norfork Dams, continuing to Salado Creek in Independence County. The North Fork and White Rivers have become world-class trout streams. The White River Basin has great natural beauty and resources, with a rich heritage and culture. Its attractions make it an appealing location in which to live, work, and play.
Lying the Ozark Mountains Natural Division, the Middle Section of the White River Watershed includes several 8-digit hydrologic unit subwatersheds and it encompasses portions of Marion, Baxter, Izard, Stone, and a small part of Fulton County.
Bull Shoals Reservoir borders the upper end of the area on the White River and Norfork Reservoir on the North Fork of the White River. The lower end of the watershed area occurs where the White River joins the Independence County border just downstream from the city of Guion, located in Izard County. Crooked Creek and Buffalo River watersheds are a part of the focus as well.
Major streams are Hicks Creek, N Sylamore Creek, Piney Creek, Polk Bayou, Rocky Bayou, S Sylamore Creek, and Salado Creek.